
Prove Your Writing is Authentically Human

Generate detailed writing analytics and timestamps that verify your essay's authenticity. Stand out with proof that your work is genuinely yours.

Real-Time Writing Analysis
Authenticity Verification
Exportable Proof Report

How PaperTrail Proves Your Authenticity

Our comprehensive tracking system captures the natural patterns and processes of human writing.

Edit Pattern Analysis

Records natural typing patterns, pauses, and revisions that distinguish human writing from AI-generated content.

Writing Timeline

Creates a detailed timeline of your writing process, showing the gradual development that's characteristic of human composition.

Verification Report

Generates a comprehensive report with timestamps and analytics that you can submit as proof of authentic work.

Real-time Monitoring

Tracks your writing session in real-time, capturing the natural flow and evolution of your ideas and revisions.

Ready to Prove Your Work is Authentically Yours?

Start writing with PaperTrail today and get the verification you need to demonstrate your academic integrity.